Amol Design
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Blendaid Pro

Blendaid Pro

Problem Statement

Due to various medical conditions there could be a possibility that makes a person unable to eat his or her food and medicines. When that happens, a Ryles tube is inserted into the patient through the nostrils and a feeding syringe is attached through which crushed medicine and liquid food is feed. This medical condition is called dysphagia and it can be caused by many reasons example old age, accident, stroke, head injury, cancer, surgery, etc.

Service Area Chart

The patients in the injured category to a critical category zone are supposed to have a higher probability of being feed through the Ryles tube irrespective of the medical condition which is causing dysphagia. Here one product can solve this problem of feeding food and medicine via monitored automation.

User Journey Mapping

Important Findings

Through intense research in hospitals and collaborative sharing, we made a user journey map. The key findings are listed below:

  • Putting the Ryles tube in the patient is a one time process.
  • A critical examination of food and medicine is necessary.
  • The flow of slurry of food or medicine needs to be slow and constant.
  • Proper training is required to administer food and medicine through the Ryles tube so that no air comes in the tube. If wrongly administer patient may vomit which is a cause of concern for any recovering patient or critical patient.
  • Medicines have to be crushed in mortar and pestle, which causes a loss of mg per dose.

3D Renders

3D Renders

Exploded View



Patent pending